Class QwicapAbandonmentException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class QwicapAbandonmentException
extends QwicapException

Subclasses of QwicapAbandonmentException are thrown in response to user abandonment of web pages, forms on a web page, or invalid input to a form. Client code should handle all of these exceptions by catching only QwicapAbandonmentException, and handling it as described in the Qwicap Prompt Pattern. Therefore, the subclasses have package-level access only, so clients can't make the mistake of attempting to handle them individually (at least, not without working at it).

Chris W. Johnson
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected QwicapAbandonmentException( PageToRevertTo, boolean EvaluateNewInput)
protected QwicapAbandonmentException( PageToRevertTo, boolean EvaluateNewInput, String Message)
protected QwicapAbandonmentException(String CauseOfDeathMsg)
Method Summary
 void rethrowIfThisPageWasAbandoned()
          Rethrows the QwicapPageAbandonedException if, and only if, the caller represents one of the pages that has been abandoned by the user.
static void rethrowIfThisPageWasAbandoned(Throwable T)
          Examines an arbitrary Throwable and all of its causes to determine if any of them were of type QwicapPageAbandonedException, and, if so, it rethrows the QwicapPageAbandonedException if, and only if, the caller represents one of the pages that has been abandoned by the user.
protected setNoPromptPage( PageToRevertTo, boolean EvaluateNewInput)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected QwicapAbandonmentException(String CauseOfDeathMsg)


protected QwicapAbandonmentException( PageToRevertTo,
                                     boolean EvaluateNewInput)


protected QwicapAbandonmentException( PageToRevertTo,
                                     boolean EvaluateNewInput,
                                     String Message)
Method Detail


protected setNoPromptPage( PageToRevertTo,
                                                                       boolean EvaluateNewInput)


public void rethrowIfThisPageWasAbandoned()
                                   throws QwicapAbandonmentException
Rethrows the QwicapPageAbandonedException if, and only if, the caller represents one of the pages that has been abandoned by the user.

QwicapPageAbandonedException - If the caller representes one of the pages that has been abandoned by the user.


public static void rethrowIfThisPageWasAbandoned(Throwable T)
                                          throws QwicapAbandonmentException
Examines an arbitrary Throwable and all of its causes to determine if any of them were of type QwicapPageAbandonedException, and, if so, it rethrows the QwicapPageAbandonedException if, and only if, the caller represents one of the pages that has been abandoned by the user.

T - A Throwable that might be, or have been caused by, a QwicapPageAbandonedException.
QwicapPageAbandonedException - If the supplied Throwable, or any of its causes, was a QwicapPageAbandonedException, and that exception's rethrowIfThisPageWasAbandoned method believes that caller's page was among those abandoned by the user.