Elizabet Ney Sculpture Anaglyphs

©2002 Chris W. Johnson. All rights reserved.


These, and many other of Elizabet Ney's sculptures, are on display at the Elizabet Ney Museum in Austin, Texas. There's no substitute for seeing them in person, but three-dimensional images are the next best thing, I believe. Humans have two eyes as standard equipment, conveniently situated for binocular vision. Our visual arts should not neglect the opportunities this arrangement presents.

The background and color of the sculpture photos has been removed to maximize clarity, and minimize anaglyph artifacts. Anaglyphs are not a perfect means of presenting stereo imagery, but I believe they represent the best available compromise between accessibility and quality. The only thing needed in order to view them is a pair of red/cyan glasses (red over the left eye, cyan over the right), and a willingness to see their virtues at least as clearly as their shortcomings. (A darkened room can be helpful, too.) If you can't find an old pair of paper viewing glasses lying around, anaglyph glasses can be purchased from several online vendors, including Berezin, Rainbow Symphony, and Reel 3-D.

[Medium] | [Large]
Museum exterior, 2002
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Elizabet Ney, self portrait, Madeira, 1863
[Medium] | [Large]
Benedette Tobin, Texas, 1892
[Medium] | [Large]
Museum interior, 2002
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Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italy, 1865
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Friedrich Wöhler, Munich, 1868
[Medium] | [Large]
Governor Joseph Sayers, Texas, 1902
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Unknown woman, Berlin, 1896
[Medium] | [Large]
Governor Francis R. Lubbock, Texas, 1895
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King Ludwig II, Munich, 1868
[Medium] | [Large]
Dr. William Lambdin Prather, Texas, 1905
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Jacob Grimm, Berlin, 1858
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Museum interior, 2002
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King Ludwig II, Munich, 1868
[Medium] | [Large]
Genii of Mankind, Italy, 1864
[Medium] | [Large]
Museum interior, 2002
[Medium] | [Large]
Governor Sul Ross, Texas, 1902
[Medium] | [Large]
Sir Swante Palm, Texas, 1899
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Arthur Schopenhauer, Frankfurt, 1859
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Stephen F. Austin, Texas, 1892
[Medium] | [Large]
Sam Houston as Young Man, Texas, 1892
[Medium] | [Large]
Lorne Ney Montgomery ("The Young Violinist"), Texas, 1874
[Medium] | [Large]
Julius Runge, Texas, 1887
[Medium] | [Large]
Sam Houston as Older Man, Texas, 1892
[Medium] | [Large]
Museum interior, 2002
[Medium] | [Large]
Benedette Tobin, Texas, 1892
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Mystery lady, circa 1865, probably by Elizabet Ney
[Medium] | [Large]
Museum exterior, 2002


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