2 - Help Section

[Graphic Omitted]

The Help section provides a simple quick-reference to Gatekeeper's features. It doesn't do anything fancy; I'm afraid there's no searching or indexing features. However, when used on Macs running System 6.0 or later, the text is displayed in multiple fonts, sizes and styles to make the text as easy to navigate as possible. In particular, major section headings in the help text are set in Helvetica 18 point bold, so they're easily located as you scroll through the text.

To view the text properly, make sure that the Times, Helvetica and Monaco fonts are installed in your System.

If you'd like to print text from the help display, select the text with the mouse and then select the "Copy" item from the "Edit" menu. You can then paste the text into any word processor and print it out in any way you'd like.

    Keyboard Shortcuts
    home                Move to top of help text.
    end                 Move to bottom of help text.
    page up             Move up one "page."
    page down           Move down one "page."
    option              If held down when the Help section 
                        is initially opened, help text is 
                        displayed only in Geneva 9.